Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Why Healthy Spices Are Important

By Kate McMahon

While healthy spices add flavor and lend a delightful aroma to many culinary preparations, many of them are also abundant in health benefits. In fact, some of the most commonly consumed foods and widely cooked dishes can benefit hugely from a helping or addition of a certain condiment. Not only can the fragrance become more alluring and the taste more finger licking, but you would also probably be serving food that is helping keep a variety of diseases at bay.

One such spice that lends a wonderful aroma to whatever food or beverage it is added to is cinnamon. Used extensively in baking cakes, whipping out some splendid cups of coffee and even cooking vegetables and meats, this condiment is rich in antioxidants. It contains iron, manganese and calcium. Moreover, it helps regulate blood sugar, therefore proving to be a boon for those ridden with diabetes.

Cumin comes with some advantages of its own. Cooked in vegetable preparations and especially popular when cooked with rice, it is also good for reducing levels of blood sugar in the body. Moreover, for those ridden with arthritis, the consumption of cumin can provide immense relief from inflammation.

Turmeric is the yellow powder used extremely commonly in Indian cooking. However, its qualities are such that consumed with a glass of milk, it can help fight a cold and sore throat too. Moreover, it is also characterized as food that helps fight the risk of cancer.

The world over, ginger is a popular household culinary item. It is replete in health benefits. Ginger is used while preparing tea and the mix is both healthy and tasty. Its anti-inflammatory qualities make it a wonderful remedy for a sore throat. Often used in cooking along with garlic, it adds flavor and aroma to many preparations in the kitchen.

Another popular food item that is replete in advantages to the body is sage. It goes well with most vegetables, and is known to make the mind sharper. Children are often given food that is seasoned with sage to help improve their academic performance.

Saffron is often deemed the food of the kings. This is because it is both expensive and used in exotically prepared dishes. Used in rice, shellfish as well as herbal tea, saffron cures depression, anxiety and premenstrual angst.

A spice that is not exactly very popular across the world is rosemary. However, those countries and cuisines that do use it are well aware of its goodness quotient. Rosemary is known to reduce the risk of cancer. It is also known to contain a rich amount of antioxidants, necessary to pump blood into the body. It can be sued in vegetable or met preparations.

When delicious culinary delights also get packed with fitness inducing ingredients, the result can only be heartening. Healthy spices help enrich our dining experiences. However, they also take our measures of health to extraordinary heights.

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