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Audiometer For Accurate Hearing Loss Evaluations

By Helene Norris

The audiometer is a machine used by audiology centers and ENT specialists to measure hearing loss in patients. More often than not, it is a part of the audiometry test equipment used for administering various tests. Audiometers now available in the market come in both hardware and software form.

The hardware version is a simple machine that produces pure tones at controlled intensities. During hearing loss evaluations, the machine's output is heard by the subject in one ear at a time through a pair of headphones. The subject has a feedback button that enables them to respond when they hear the tone.

The device can be a standalone machine or hooked up to a computer that controls the output and records all the feedback. These machines are made using different kinds of technologies, depending on the intended usage. Some are portable, others handhelds, and still others may be full-fledged systems that are meant to be used in one place. All of them are either bone-conduction or air-conduction audiometers.

The software-based device generates the same tone that is heard and responded to subjects in pretty much the same way. The only difference is that the tones in this case are prerecorded sounds stored in the computer. The audio output from the computer's sound card is sent to the headphones.

The hardware audiometers that are used by hospitals, audiology centers and researchers are expensive, but incredibly accurate and reliable. It's important to make sure these machines are calibrated regularly so that the tone heard by the subject matches the level displayed on the machine. Calibration requirements also ensure standardized testing and results regardless of where the machine is being used.

Audiometry software is much more affordable by comparison, and can be used by anyone even at home. Calibration is not so easy for the software, which means there will be some accuracy loss. It's still quite useful for regular self-testing, and will let the subject know if any further checkups and medical treatment are needed.

The point of all this, whether it is a software or hardware-based system, is to find out exactly when the subject stops hearing the tone. This helps physicians diagnose hearing problems and provide treatment. It usually involves at least a bit of ear cleaning and perhaps some ear drops, if not a hearing aid or even surgery.

Audiometers may also be used for industrial audiometric testing. The procedure followed is essentially the same as described above. The difference is in the fact that the subject or patient doesn't come to the clinic. Instead, a full-fledged mobile audiometry testing lab and technician are brought to the industrial facility to test the hearing levels of noise-exposed workers.

The tests performed on industrial workers are not just for evaluating their personal hearing loss. The results allow the company to identify trends and add more noise-muffling technology if a lot of workers are showing signs of weakened hearing ability. It may also be required under group health plans. Either way, an audiometer used in an industrial environment must be calibrated to a high degree of precision, which means it must be accurate to within a few fractions of a decibel.

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