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Preparation Of Casabe At Home

Casabe is food delicacy that has been popular for a long period of time in some of the places in the world. The food is a rich source of carbohydrates in form of starch. Over the years the demand for this food has been increasing which has led to commercial production on a large scale basis to increase supply.

The cassava meal can be taken at different times during a day either as the main component of a meal or as a light portion of it. It can be taken with eggs in the morning or with meat stew at lunch time or during the evening dinner.

The main ingredient needed for this exercise is cassavas. The number of people to be served will determine the amount to be utilized. One important consideration to make in deciding quantity is the amount each of the people who will enjoy the meal are likely to eat. Gathering all the required ingredients together will make the preparation exercise easy.

Since preparation of this specialty requires few ingredients, cost is not a limiting factor. Key components are cassavas and salt. Important items used include cooking fire, a cooking pan, a clean cheese cloth, a grating utensil and a food turner. Fresh cassavas can be obtained from farms or food market. To store this source of starch for future use, it can be frozen and remain in good condition for several months. For short term storage, refrigeration under water is done. When refrigerated it should be consumed within four days.

One can inspect the quality of cassava by smell and sight. The outside should be even without soft spots. On cutting the root, it should appear white in color on the inside. The smell of the cut root should be fresh. For hygiene purposes, the roots should be cleaned with running water before cutting. Ends of the cassavas are then chopped off with a knife. If the remaining part of the root is too large, it is cut into smaller manageable sizes. Each of these pieces is then skinned and cut into quarters. The quarters are washed in clean water and shredded into small pieces which can be cooked. Pieces that are not to be used immediately can be stored.

The part of the grater with the smallest holes should be used in grating so as to get a fine product. Salt is added to these new small pieces and mixed evenly. The mixture is then placed on a clean cloth and any excess water is squeezed out. It is now ready for cooking.

A cooking utensil is placed on fire until it heats up. The prepared cassava is spread on the hot utensil using a spoon to achieve even thickness. The heat will cook the underside and when it is ready it will change color to golden. A turner should be used to flip over the cooking cassava as a whole so that both sides cook adequately.

Casabe can be served while still hot or kept is a clean container to cool down and stored for later consumption. It is an easy dish to learn how to prepare and does not cost much. With frequent practice, it can be prepared in a few minutes.

By Marla Mills
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