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Useful Information About Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

By Gloria Mason

Today, many health facilities offer laser treatment for toenail fungus. The beam zaps away all the fungi responsible for damaging the appearance of nails. This technique is widely used since it helps individuals avoid complications that may occur when oral medications are used. There are various causes of this problem. Heredity plays a significant role in the occurrence of this problem. Other situations that increase the susceptibility of an individual include aging, circulation problems, perspiring heavily, diabetes, psoriasis and minor injuries of the skin and nails.

A mild case of this infection is a cosmetic problem which can be treated easily. However, if left unattended to it is likely to progress to painful conditions. Pain is experienced when walking which may interfere with the mobility of an individual.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent fungus recurrence. It is important to follow a scrupulous hygiene program. Preventive care involves the regular use of an anti-fungal spray for the feet and shoes, keeping feet clean and dry, avoiding going barefoot and changing socks on a daily basis.

Individuals are highly encouraged to gather information about this procedure before signing up for it. Adequate information can be obtained by consulting a dermatologist or a podiatrist. It is advisable to prepare well for the consultation so as to get the most out of the session with the specialist. This can be done by preparing questions, a list of medications under use, important personal information and symptoms experienced.

Doctors usually carry out a thorough examination during the diagnosis process to establish the real cause of this problem to enhance the effectiveness of any treatment employed. In most cases, a sample of the debris has to be obtained and analyzed under the microscope or through culture. This helps to rule out other possible causes of nail infections such as bacteria, yeast or psoriasis which has similar symptoms.

The procedure is an outpatient case. The first step is to file the surface of the nails to make it easy for the lasers to penetrate. There is no discomfort experienced during and after the procedure. Most patients report a warming sensation accompanied by mild pinpricks which are not painful. It is a non-invasive procedure and therefore patients resume their activities in no time.

The treatment session lasts for almost one hour depending on the number of affected toes. The number of sessions required by each patient varies according to the severity of each case as well as the nature of laser used. Many patients take a whole year to recover from the problem entirely. It hinders the action of the fungus thus providing a suitable environment for the action of the natural mechanism.

Laser treatment for toenail fungus is a revolutionary breakthrough in the medical field. It has an effective success rate that surpasses topical and oral medications. The beam penetrates the infected nails without damaging the surrounding healthy skin. Coupled with follow up care, topical anti-fungal creams and good hygiene of the feet patients can experience long term results.

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