Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


What People Don't Know About Broccoli Sprouts

You may have heard the news about broccoli sprouts. They are a superfood that is increasing in popularity due to the potentially high disease fighting benefits. This kind of statement gets people's attention, but you don't want to get ahead of yourself. First, take a look at the studies to see exactly what clinical tests say.

Advantage # 1: Broccoli Sprouts Boost Health in More than One Way

There are several trials going on now around the substance sulforaphane and broccoli sprouts. In addition to showing signs of being a disease fighting agent, sulforaphane has also revealed to have positive impacts on cholesterol, heart health diabetic issues.

The first question that many people have is, "Why not eat full grown broccoli instead of sprouts?". The reason is that the sprouts have considerably more sulforaphane than the mature plant. Instead of eating a truck load of broccoli for your meal, you can consume a handful of broccoli sprouts and receive the same wellness benefits.

With numerous possible benefits, it's smart to at least try out broccoli sprouts, especially due to the fact that you can easily buy them at your local supermarket.

Advantage # 2: They Are Easy to Find

As I mentioned, you can purchase fresh broccoli sprouts at your supermarket. This is another nice advantage because lots of other superfoods are hard to locate in your area - or fresh.

The disadvantage is that they can get pricey and they are generally only fresh for 7 days. If you consume broccoli sprouts regularly this can get costly.

Benefit # 3: You Can Quickly Grow Them and Save Money

That's true. Unlike a lot of many other superfoods, you can grow your own sprouts. On top of that, it takes under a week for broccoli sprouts to go from seed to harvest to your dinner plate.

Since they are so easy and economical to propagate at home, broccoli sprouts can be incorporated into one's meal plan without much thought. You don't have to figure out a complicated meal plan or prepare the sprouts in a special way.

What Next?

Actually, you can simply wash them and eat a handful every morning. You can get a lot of nutrients without having to eat that much. Another option is to add them to your salads or sandwiches.

Because broccoli sprouts are so easy, affordable and convenient, it doesn't make sense not to try them. It's not surprising that that health fanatics are talking about this popular superfood. If this natural food has the potential to be preventative medicine, it's a huge deal.

By Camille Wu

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