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Transgender Health Issues In The 21St Century

By Marissa Velazquez

Individuals who do not conform to traditional assignment to male and female genders are collectively known as "trans" or "transgender." These are people whose personal gender identity differs from the physical gender they were assigned at birth. Consequently, they are prone to several types of transgender health problems.

Transvestites are people who cross-dress, meaning they wear clothing of the opposite sex but they do not want to be a full-time member of that sex. Drag queens and drag kings are people who do not appear traditionally masculine or feminine. There are some people who feel they are neither male nor female; alternatively, they feel they are a little bit of both.

Transexuals are people who have a powerful desire to live and be recognized as a member of the opposite gender to which they were born. Many of these people have gender reassignment treatment to make their appearance look more like their desired gender. This may include a combination of hormones and surgery with rigorous counselling.

Children pick up on their gender identity sooner than we might think. Children as young as two may show playtime behavior in line with the opposite gender. By four, they may recognize that they are in the "wrong" gender and by six they may already be requesting to have their gender changed.

Fortunately, sympathetic doctors exist who will offer to administer hormone injections to block the child going through a psychologically distressing puberty until they have made a thorough decision as to which gender feels right for them. Some of these teens follow through with a full gender reassignment. Many of these people may have otherwise been driven to commit suicide.

Trans people are more likely than the general population to feel mentally distressed because of the levels of social disapproval and discrimination that they often face. They experience higher levels of harassment and violence and are therefore at an increased risk of depression, self-harm and suicide. They will often avoid seeking medical care because they are afraid of being rejected.

Many healthcare providers lack the expertise to deal effectively with transgender patients. They may even go so far as to turn them away and deny them medical care. Transgender health problems may not even be covered by peoples' medical insurance, setting up yet another barrier to access medical care. One serious issue is that of developing cancer in the remaining sexual organs. Transgender men who retain their uterus, ovaries or breasts may develop cancer in these organs. Similarly, transgender men may develop cancer of the prostate.

A number of organizations have sprung up over the past two decades to help improve both access and quality of medical care for the transgender population. One such organization is the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health. This organization focuses on cultural competency, mental wellness, routine care and prevention of HIV. Another organization, aimed at children and teens and their families, is the Mermaids Charity. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is another such organization. Its aim is to provide advocacy, promote evidence based care and respect for transgender individuals.

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