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Attacking The Myths About Methadone Chicago

By Jerri Perry

Methadone Chicago is a synthetically manufactured opioid designed to interact with the same cellular opiate receptors as morphine derivatives heroin and codeine. Known also as Amidone, Symaron, Methadose or Symaron, it is used in drug addiction clinics to help people reduce their dependence on opiates without experience the devastating effects of withdrawal. It is also used to treat pain in terminal cancer patients, where the aim is compassionate relief.

Symaron was first synthesized in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. It was designed to provide the country with a stable source of opiate drugs within the national borders. Symaron comes as a liquid suspension to be taken orally, or as tablets in 5mg/10mg/40mg sizes.

There are many myths surrounding the drug, both on the part of the general public and among opiate addicts themselves. Here, we take a closer look at these myths and reveal the truths surrounding them. Methadone is just one of the treatment options available for medical professionals who work with drug addicts. It can be used to positive effect and it can also be abused, with disastrous results. For many people, it has been a lifeline that has helped them recover normal lives.

Myth No 1: The first common mythical belief held by Joe Public is that people who are treated in Methadose clinics are junkies getting a buzz at the taxpayers' expense. The truth is, like any drug, Methadose has a therapeutic level, when patients feel normal, that is, like they did before they became addicted. At doses below that required to maintain the therapeutic level, patients feel withdrawal; if the dose is too high, they experience toxic effects. It is this toxicity that produces the "high." Therapeutic levels of Methadose do not create this high.

Myth No 2: The second common misconception is that heroin is worse than alcohol. The truth is, alcohol can be every bit as devastating to the addict and everyone around them. Alcohol is at the heart of an overwhelming amount of domestic violence, child abuse and it creates chronic health problems in the abuser. The main difference between alcohol and heroin is that alcohol addicts are not breaking the law.

Myth No 3: Methadose eats your bones. No, it does not. According to the New York Drug Policy Alliance 2006, Methadose does not compromise the skeletal system in any way. If someone on a maintenance dose feels like their bones are "rotting, " then their dose may be too low. Bone pain is also a normal feature of opiate withdrawal.

The Fourth Myth: Symaron causes weight gain. While, yes, the drug does cause a drop in the metabolic rate, this need not inevitably lead to serious weight gain. Keep in mind that heroin users tend not to eat regular healthy meals anyway. Clients who are taking methadone to help with opiate withdrawal are capable and should be encouraged to maintain a healthy diet.

These are just a small sample of myths regarding methadone Chicago. There are many, many more. The truth is, a normal, therapeutic, maintenance dose will not create a high. Used properly and under proper supervision at an adequately funded clinic, it is the best weapon currently available in the war against opiate drug addiction.

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