Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Why You Should Be Using Antioxidants

By Malena Moss

Perhaps you are alarmed because your are noticing that your complexion is changing and now present the typical signs of aging skin such as lines, deep creases and even sagging skin. This is normal and it will happen to all of us, but rest assure that there are quite a few things you can do to make the skin look its best. If you want to obtain younger looking skin you must have a proper skincare regime, stay active and consume a healthy diet.

1- Good skin care is essential to remain looking younger as we age, take it seriously and it will pay off. To minimize aging skin there are plenty of rejuvenating products on the market today that will allow you to fight aging skin and boost the skin's complexion.

2- Dry skin is not good news for wrinkles as these will be more visible if the skin is dry. To diminish dry skin, keep the skin hydrated by drinking water and applying moisturizing products containing humectants. Humectants are great because they attract water from the air. Moisturizing masks once or twice a week are also a must to keep the skin smooth and supple.

3- One of the reasons the skin begins to sag and form wrinkles is the loss of collagen and elastin. These proteins when plentiful maintain the skin plump and elastic, but as we age their production diminish and the decadence of the skin begins. A good way to boost collagen and elastin production is by making use of appropriate skin care products and treatments that will provide the skin with a younger appearance.

4- If you want to preserve the skin younger and free from blemishes, lines and wrinkles you must eat a healthy and varied diet. Consuming foods with antioxidants is the way to go to help the body fight disease and aging skin. Include antioxidants such as coloured fruits and vegetables in your diet and improve your health and your complexion.

5- Skin care products with antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin, E and vitamin A help with aging skin, boosting collagen production and improving the skin's texture. Another antioxidant product you shouldn't be without is green tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and can dramatically improve your complexion. An added benefit is that the ingredients found in green tea help to speed up the metabolism and melt fat in the body.

6- Get into the habit of using a weekly face mask to feed your the skin. If you want to use a mask at home with antioxidant ingredients mix a spoon of honey with one to two spoons of red wine. Apply it on the face and neck areas for 20 minutes and wash it off using warm water. This facial mask is excellent to rejuvenate and hydrate the skin due to the anti aging benefits of the resveratrol contained in red wine and the moisturizing effects of the honey.

7- In order to be healthy doctors recommend practicing some kind of activity to get the heart pumping and get all the benefits associated with exercise. The best thing to avoid getting bored is to pick an activity that you enjoy. It could be something like yoga, dancing, running or simply walking. If you need motivation get together with a friend for mutual support. The key is to remain active throughout your life.

The above steps are just a small example of all the things one can do to feel healthier and look younger. I forgot to mention that is also very important to use sunscreen daily and to stop smoking. Follow these tips and feel great.

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