Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Is Your Kid Suitable For Playing Advance Tennis

By Davis Pete

Every parent would like their child to excel in any kind of sport. More so, if you are a tennis playing parent, you would be proud to have a kid who can play well. The key is to not expect too much from your kid when he is playing. Let time take care of his progress.

Tip #1: Playing throwing and catching with foam balls will also you to review your child's ability in ball games. If he shows the ability to be able to hit and catch at a young age, you may try him out at tennis. Moreover, tennis will also further develop his motor skills.

Tip#2: Look at how your child walks and run. If he moves smoothly, with agile and quick feet, he may have the necessary ingredient to play tennis. Fast feet and good footwork are needed to bring the tennis player into a good position to hit the tennis ball.

Tip#3: A good hand to eye cor-ordination is crucial to all good tennis players. The natural ability to hit the ball with power and control is only found in the few, You can always try to train your child by throwing and rolling balls at him. Letting him hit the ball with a racket or a bat may be a good way to practice at the toddler age.

Tip#4: As the old saying goes, its 80% mental and 20% skill. This always holds true for tennis at the competitive level. A child who has been through the rigors of competitive tennis will have a stronger mind as he has been able to withstand and experience the onslaught and pressure of tennis matchplay.

Tip#5: No matter how strong your mind is, if your physical conditioning is not up to mark, you will still end up at the losing end. This is so because, a strong and fit body will ensure a strong mind as well. Fitness is also crucial. The ability to take punishing heat and the strong sun are crucial to a sports person playing tennis.

Tip#6: The choice of a sound tennis coaching facility and coach are equally important. A good start to the game will ensure the child gets the proper technical and tactical guidance at an early age. This is important as he is able to develop faster than the rest. Do ask around the tennis fraternity as to where good coaching is. There is a certain to chart for your child should you wish to use tennis as a means of getting to Secondary One in Singapore via the DSA route.

Tip#7: A general rule, is to let your child develop his tennis on his own abilities. You can provide the right environment but you should not push and punish the kid. The parent is there to provide support and not criticise.

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