Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Box Your Way To A Healthy You

By Mitch Wicking

Resistance Training? What's that, you may be asking. Well to get back to basics resistance training is what they used to call Weight Training; they changed the name in an effort to woo more women into this area of fitness training - and it seems to be paying off. After all, weight training usually conjures up images of big sweaty Bulgarian men straining every sinew to lift fifty times their normal body weight in a Herculean show of strength; and that's not a particularly appealing sight.

That is what personal trainers do. And they do it very successfully. If you're not sure what a personal trainer is, they are the people you see in the park wearing the hand-pads while that lady throws a few punches at them with her boxing gloves on. And that's one of the advantages of the personal trainer - they come to you, rather than you go to them. So that means you can do your training in your local park, or home, or even at work if there's a discreet space. Basically, hiring a personal trainer takes away all the "fear of the gym" and instead leaves you comfortable in a one-on-one scenario that is far more conducive to following a regular fitness plan successfully.

The thought of having to exercise with lots of other people around and equipment you have absolutely no idea how to use can be scary and is the main reason people shy away from going to the gym. Hiring a personal trainer to come to your home is the perfect way to overcome this. That immediately saves you a heap of cash each year as you have no gym membership fees only the payment to the trainer. They also bring all the equipment needed and you will be taught how to use it with the guidance of your fully qualified trainer. You might already own some pieces of fitness equipment which makes things easier, but it doesn't matter if you don't as personal trainers have a wide range of mobile equipment that they will bring with them, to make your workouts fun, variable and challenging, including fit balls, boxing mitts and pads, dynabands, medicine balls, hand weights, skip ropes and much more.

Apart from being a great weight loss and cardio workout, boxing training is excellent for agility and mental alertness and gets those all-important endorphin cavorting around the body to create that wonderful feeling of well-being. And with your personal trainer encouraging you every step of the way, it is the perfect motivation you need for getting on the road to greater fitness and shedding that weight you so despise.

So, that's why resistance training is an excellent fitness tool, what is the best way to get into resistance training? The easy answer to that is with the help of a personal trainer. Not only are they best suited to fit in with your particular lifestyle or work pattern, more importantly they can give you the motivation you need. This is a big part of getting any health or fitness programme off the ground and why most people fail to maintain any workout sessions on their own. They may start off well, but it's hard to keep going without that extra person spurring you on. But with your personal trainer encouraging you every step of the way, it is the perfect motivation you need for getting on the road to greater fitness.

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