Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


History Supports The Use Of Colloidal Silver To Maintain Health

By Stella Gay

It has been claimed that the aristocracy vastly outlived the peasantry during the Plague because they ate and drank from sterling cups and bowls. There may be some truth to this claim, although modern doctors are basically paid to deny that diseases can be treated by anything other than a battery of prescriptions. When one looks at the circumstances surrounding The Plague, it is clear that there may be some health benefits to ingesting colloidal silver.

Better nutrition and being clean is often cited as the reason wealthy outlived poor during this time. While there may be some truth to the benefit of better nutrition, wealthy aristocrats were not all that much cleaner than their peasant counterparts. Due to fears of being accused of witchcraft, all cats were killed in the wealthy houses as well as the poor, and bathing was not regarded as a necessity for anyone.

Their clothing was often much cleaner than their bodies. People at this time had gotten the notion that lice were good luck, and fleas in the bed kept one from having impure thoughts. Leave it to fundamentalist Christianity to bring about a dark age of ignorance, paranoia, and overall backwards thinking.

Early Renaissance-era people might have made the connection between using silver dinnerware and the maintenance of good health. Such things were probably written about, but these writings would have been the victim of fires lit by Christian soldiers at museums and libraries of old. The habit of eating and drinking from sterling most likely continued strictly out of habit.

One cannot say that none of the wealthy families within that society fell victim to plague. However, when compared to the peasantry, a greater percentage of the gentry survived the Plague despite having similar habits. Even more telling is the fact that members of the Christian Priesthood who also had the luxury of eating and drinking from sterling, the monks and nuns who tended to victims of both leprosy and plague, survived in a vast larger percentage than the peasants.

As many people lean towards more homeopathic solutions to their health problems, an interest has grown around the methods that people used in the past to maintain health. This has brought many to analyze the habits of people during the Plague, and question why some survived while others did not. Many homeopathic practitioners cite that this metal acts as an agent which aids the blood in fighting bacteria, viruses, and even fungus.

Only small snippets of research ever gets conducted on such homeopathic remedies, and then only through a small group with little to no funding available. Pharmaceutical companies do not wish to have such a universal remedy available to the populace, as it could make so many of their pills obsolete. If there is any serious research being conducted, it is certainly news.

One is given to ponder this metal and the well-established qualities attributed to it. The pharmaceutical industry is known for taking compounds out of nature and synthesizing them into a chemical with a consistent dose in pill form. If they have found a way to synthesize silver, then they have either placed Pandora back in a box, or they have opened a massive can of worms.

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