Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


9 Great Boosts For Your Health From Dark Chocolate

By Justin French

1.70% dark chocolate has been shown in recent studies to cut dangers of cardiovascular disease by 50% and reduce the risks of stroke, Alzheimer's and diabetes.

2. Thickening of the blood can lead to clots which, in turn, can lead to stroke. However, it seems that the bacteria in your gut can break down dark chocolate into ant-inflammatory compounds which thin the blood lessening the chances of stroke.

3. 20 different studies have shown that eating dark chocolate everyday decreased participant's blood pressure by 2 to 3 points. It seems to encourage the arterial lining to produce Nitric Oxide which relaxes the arteries and reduces the pressure of the blood.

4.You don't have to be old and sick to benefit. Young and healthy men in their 20's reported a blood flow increase of between 14% and 23%.

5. Are you concerned about your cholesterol? Well, daily eating a square of dark chocolate can increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

6. Insulin sensitivity in diabetics, and even non-diabetics showed improvement upon consumption of dark chocolate.

7. Imagine a candy that could improve the state of your teeth! Well a substance in dark chocolate called Theobromine has been shown to harden tooth enamel.

8. Dark chocolate improves blood flow to the skin surface giving you a healthy glow and protecting you from the sun.

9. Again, the flavonols in 70% dark chocolate have been shown to improve blood flow - this time to the brain. Another substance, phenylethylamine, helps release 'feel good' hormones in the brain helping you feel relaxed and happy.

Choosing The Right Chocolate For Best Results

Do Buy clearly labelled 70% or higher dark chocolate. This was the strength used in the above studies. If you don't mind the taste, 80% or even 90% is even better. Don't buy the milky, sweet varieties. This is because the flavonols, which are responsible for the above benefits, have been stripped out of the milky, sweet chocolate to make way for the sweeter taste.

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