Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Learning The Famous Alexander Technique

By Enid Hinton

Most people today are so stressed because of the past paced lifestyle of the society today which is why many people seek ways on how to relieve this tension. One of the best methods in which one can relieve some of his tension would from the very famous alexander technique. It is one of the most effective techniques when it comes to calming both the body and the mind.

Now the creator of this very famous method is none other than Frederick Matthias Alexander who is an actor from Australia. He was a patient of chronic laryngitis which affected his acting and was something that the doctors could not cure at that time. By a sheer stroke of luck, he discovered that the cause of the problem was tension in his neck and body and he was able to create a method to let go of that tension.

Now the whole concept behind this method is that habitual movements are what causes tightening. Whenever the body moves a certain way, certain muscles tighten. Of course when the muscles would tighten, then one would feel tension.

Now when one would enroll in a class, the teacher will first check out the condition of his body. Of course before any exercises, teachers must know the body type of their students to see what is suitable. The teachers will then be advising their students while letting them do the exercises.

One thing to take note of when starting out is that this is definitely not a painful nor is it a strenuous type of exercise. It is in fact, the opposite of a strenuous workout as this method aims to take away the tension from all parts of the body instead of adding tension which is what strenuous workouts would do in order for one to gain muscle. This is a rather slow set of exercises wherein one does not need to push himself so much.

Now during the first few meetings of the class, one will usually be doing some exercises related to everyday movements like walking, running, or even sitting down. From there, the teachers will be checking how they do it to see if there are parts in the body that are tightening. From there, the teacher will be able to advise the students on what they should do about those tightened body parts.

Now there are a lot of benefits that one can actually gain from these types of exercises is of course less body pains. One will be relieved of body pains like backaches and even neck aches as these kinds of exercises are wonderful for these kinds of problems. Of course stress will also be taken away from the body which means that mentally, one can also be cured.

So as one can see, these kinds of exercises are actually very helpful to those people who are very stressed out. Over the years, this Australian man was able to spread his knowledge and was able to let many schools open in the United States. Of course the Big Apple NYC has actually become home to a lot of schools of this practice.

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