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Guide To Oxygen For Energy

By Lucia Weeks

Elemental oxygen occurs predominantly in form of a covalent homodimer on, that is a compound of two O2 atoms and having the empirical formula O2, referred to as molecular oxygen or dioxygen. There is a colorless and odorless gas that is contained in air to 20.942%. It is involved in many combustion and corrosion processes (oxygen for energy).

An older method is based on chemical reactions barium oxide method. It is uneconomical due to high energy costs. For barium oxide is heated under air at 500 degrees C., the barium forms. When heated to 700 degrees C recorded earlier O2 is released by thermolysis again. Prior to development of Linde process, this method was the only way to pure O2 present.

Oxygen is not created in primordial nucleosynthesis, but is produced in relatively large amounts in giant stars by helium burning. It is first formed from three helium nuclei 12C (Triple-alpha process), which subsequently merged with another helium nucleus to 16O. 18O is formed by fusion of 4He with a 14N nucleus.

O2 is slightly soluble in water. The solubility depends on the pressure and the temperature. It increases with decreasing temperature and increasing pressure. At 0 degrees C and an O2 partial pressure of air of 212 hPa dissolve in pure water 14.16 mg / l oxygen. In oxygen-gas discharge Spectrum, the molecular orbitals of O2 are stimulated to emit light. The operating conditions are a pressure of 5-10 mbar, a high voltage of 1.8 kV, a current of 18 mA and a frequency of 35 kHz. During the recombination of ionized gas molecules, the characteristic color spectrum is emitted. In this case, a small part, caused reversibly formed by the supply of energy ozone.

Most white dwarfs, which are the final state of 97% of all stars in prior theory, exist side by helium and carbon to a large extent of oxygen. Technically O2 is today almost exclusively obtained by rectification of air. The method in 1902, first developed by Carl von Linde (Linde process) and designed by Georges Claude economically viable. Small amounts arising as a by-product in production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water.

Initially, the O2 has been accepted as a basic component for the formation of acids. Therefore, the term Oxygenium (acidifier) 1779 proposed by Lavoisier oxygen. In fact, most inorganic acids in solution of non-metal oxides in O2 water. The halogens, such as chlorine and bromine, is therefore held for a long time oxides of unknown elements. Only later was recognized that hydrogen is responsible for the acid character.

O2 is the most abundant and widespread element on earth. It occurs both in atmosphere and in lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. O2 has a mass fraction of 50.5% of earth's crust (up to 16 km depth, including hydro and atmosphere). In air, his mass fraction is 23,16% (by volume: 20.95%), the water 88.8% (the sea water but only 86%, since there large amounts salts, eg. As sodium chloride are dissolved).

The separation takes place initially at 5-6 bar in so-called medium pressure column. The resulting oxygen-enriched liquid is then (pressure about 0.5 bar) further separated in low pressure column. Through the liquid O2 of low pressure column, gaseous nitrogen of high pressure column is passed. It liquefies this and heated with the votes condensation heat the liquid. The more volatile nitrogen is discharged and preferably remains purified liquid oxygen. This still contains the noble gases krypton and xenon, which are separated in a separate column.

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