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A Trip To A New Age Store

By Agnes Dickson

A nearby store can provide a convenient source for vital products as well as services, and simply shopping there can be part of one's life in magic. Most of the public sees these stores as places where witches and magicians mingle, as well as the occasional non-magical straggler. The more the merrier, and anyone with a taste for the unusual might find themselves enjoying the ambiance, as well as the products, at a new age store.

Any store of this sort will sell various types of incense, but a smart shopper will object that they can find incense at their local head shop for lower prices. The difference is that the incenses sold at a magical supply shop will usually have been manipulated magically by experts at their craft. An incense or oil so manipulated will often then be purposed toward some magical end, such as gaining wealth.

Beyond incense, there are those innumerable products one won't ever find in any other type of store but one dedicated to magic. First there are the tarot decks, laid out on display to advertise the beautiful artistry of their illustrations. Like the incense, the beautiful designs are meant to be effective, in this case by calling out to anyone looking for a personal connection to a particular deck. Often the bookshelves will be somewhat spare but excellent, full of books meant to be informative in the most directly practical way.

A wide range of items will be available, ranging from a crystal ball in any color to an athame of any size. Often there will be quite an impressive statuary of deities, whether Gods or Buddhas, which very well might have have been vested with energy by someone familiar with them. There is a good chance one will find oils, ointments, even loose herbs, each tasked to some particular end.

Little occult shops are frequently the one location within reach for people who have a passion for the paranormal side of life, and to them it matters that they're spending their dollars there even if it can be a bit more expensive. For certain, online shopping offers a variety and price that are hard to beat. Many will shop for certain larger items at the shop while economizing on everyday incense.

The average small occult bookstore and supply shop also offers magical services from tarot readings for any who care to pose a question. Such a consultation might occur in some out of the way nook or room against a wall, perhaps through contracted professionals if not directly through the proprietor. Astrological counseling is one of the more common services offered.

There are plenty of occult shops that are not ultimately owned by people who are practitioners themselves. Shops that are sometimes offer after hours classes in various magic practices, either after hours or on a day the business closes altogether. A shop might be home to a coven, purchasing their wands and gowns there to supplement the group beyond their periodic dues.

Whether one just wants a new kind of aroma to savor in the air or wants a paranormal solution, a trip to one of these shops can be well worth the while. Perhaps those made nervous by magic ought to think twice. Anyone else might well like to stop by for an hour.

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