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A Broad Analysis Of An Audiometer

By Tiffany Gill

An Audiometer is a special device which is used in evaluating hearing loss problems. Moreover, this device is used in in the general diagnosis of ENT problems. The instrument is uniquely calibrated to capture the exact data during hearing loss evaluation. The calibration is done in decibels as they are the standard units for measuring the intensity of sound. Calibration of this device needs to be done on regular basis. Doing this ensures that it gives error free results. Moreover, a good calibrated device will always give consistent results which can be trusted in analyzing hearing loss intensity of a patient.

The device resembles a pair of headphones but is fitted with a feedback button which is controlled by a computer. The computer helps the specialist conducting the hearing loss analysis to display the data which is eventually used to form an audiogram. This audiogram is the one used to analyze the range through which a patient can react to given sound frequency.

An audiogram is basically a graph of the intensity of the sound in decibels against the reaction frequency in hertz. This graph is drawn with the aid of a computer. The graph will then be analyzed carefully by a medical specialist to determine at what range the patient is able to react to the sound frequencies. This will guide the specialist in administering treatment to the patient.

There are two types of audiometers found in the market. These are the hardware and the software types. The two types are closely related though they vary in cost and efficiency. The software type is not very sophisticated. It is the one found in several homes as it is easier to use. It only requires a computer program to display its results.

Hardware devices on the other contain an embedded unit which is connected next to the headphones. This unit is linked with a special button which gives feedback signal to the device during operation. This device is relatively expensive than the software type as it gives results of higher accuracy. They are very efficient in hearing loss tests.

The hearing loss procedure is diagnosed by presenting a patient with a sound from the audiometer but being varied in frequency. Their reactions to this sound of different frequencies will be noted down. It is these frequencies which are used to plot the audiogram. The medical specialist will then study the audiogram to determine the intensity of hearing loss of the patient.

An adult person will show a reaction to certain frequencies by pressing a button which is usually embedded to the device. For small children, their reaction is normally different. Their response can be a head turn or by pressing a toy which is usually provided during the test.

This hearing loss test using an audiometer can also be extended to animals. Vet doctors have devised unique ways to make sure that animals do respond to various frequencies. For instance they can provide food to the animal as way of rewarding it for responding to a certain frequency. The animal will be trained to understand that its response to a given frequency usually means food and therefore the doctor will be able to record down the range through which the animal can respond to different frequencies.

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