Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Are There Any Side Effects Associated With Spirulnia Supplements?

By Wendy Clark

A great number of diet advisers are discovering the amazing health benefits of spirulina. It is truly a well-balanced source of diet because it consists of antioxidant, proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrate. Same as many medications, spirulina too comes with some side effects if not consumed with care. Even so, the side effects are not many since it is a pure natural product.

People battling with anemia are likely to feel dizziness, low energy and unexpected urge to eat. Undiagnosed patients that feel these conditions are urged to talk to a physician and get tested for anemia.

A fever and nausea might occur due to the increased protein absorption. The high protein from spirulina causes the most common adverse reactions, one of which is an increased body temperature. This is spurred as a result of metabolism of the excess protein that is combined with the release of heat. The gained heat and the temperature increases may lead to fever.

Spirulina consumption must be accompanied by an abundance of water for the effective digestion of the product. A half a liter of water is preferred to be consumed with the intake of the supplement. Adverse reactions like extreme thirst and constipation may occur if sufficient water is not absorbed with the supplement.

Some people might possibly end up with body rash or itchy skin. This is an unusual problem that might be stimulated by sensitivity to the blue green algae. Just a few people have been reported to suffer from the side effects. It should not cause problems for most users.

Damage to the liver and kidney is among the most intense unwanted effects which can be generated from taking the supplement. This is normally attributed to the level of nucleic acid in the organic matter where the blue algae were obtained from. One is therefore suggested to take the pills coming from blue green algae that have a small concentration of nucleic acid. It is advised to always look for excellent quality tablets in order to save the trouble of having a liver and kidney damage.

Spirulina consumption could cause the digestive system to generate unexpected gases that could cause stomach pains. This is because of its substantial amount of nutrient content included in the product. When it gets digested in the system, it releases more gases.

Above are the most typical adverse reactions. The unwanted effects pointed out here are absolutely preventable. Taking the suggested amount is the key in order to take it with no side effect. Therefore, the maximum daily serving of spirulina should be less than 3 grams.

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