Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


The Coliform Bacteria In Water Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

By Marguerite Stanton

As you may have already heard, coliform bacteria in water is becoming a very common problem. This bacterial pathogens has a very close relationship to several strains of E. Coli, salmonella and shigella. As a family member to the enterobacteria family, it is capable of causing gastrointestinal disturbances within the body.

Diarrhea is the most common symptom to develop when one has been affected by this family of bacteria. However, if there is any bleeding that occurs, a person may be suffering from dysentery. In very advanced situations, blood may be vomited from the body and the person may become incoherent and delusional. A fever, irreversible intolerance to milk products may also occur.

In less serious circumstances, symptoms can be related to an E. Coli infection. Most people will find that the symptoms disappear on their own after a few days. Mild food poisoning symptoms are to be expected but anything beyond that will require the use of antibiotics. It is possible that some strains of E. Coli can be potentially life threatening when they begin to give rise to hemolytic uremic syndrome.

When a bacterial infection results in flu-like symptoms, it is possible that the infected person has typhoid fever. Symptoms that will justify the presence of the fever include an actual fever, recurring headaches, loss of appetite and stomach tenderness. In all previous cases of a typhoid fever, a red path that appears to be a rash develops on or near the chest area of the infected individual. This disease is fatal if not treated immediately.

Coliform infections also have their affect on women, especially those that are pregnant, nursing or have poor immune systems. The creation of urinary tract infection are usually caused by this bacterial agent. Surprisingly, the infection does not occur by drinking or eating contaminated foods. A more direct skin contact is usually the cause of the disturbance. It is possible that consuming contaminated foods can lead to the disturbance of healthy body in the body, which could then lead to the urinary tract infection.

When individuals begin to develop a blood infection, it is possible that they are suffering from yersinia. This organism is much more dangerous than other types of bacteria because they are not affected by very cold temperatures, which means they can survive refrigeration. If the disease moves beyond the intestinal system they will then begin to infect the blood and travel to other organs. Immediate action must be taken when this bacterial infection is suspected to be within a person.

With the current outbreak of contamination and recalls, most people have become very wary of animal bi-products. If you had paid attention to the current outbreaks, then you know that the contamination were centered around lettuce and spinach. This is to show that bacterial outbreaks do not only occur on undercooked animal meat.

To eliminate coliform bacteria in water or in your foods, try chlorination. Diluted chlorinated water can safely be used to clean all fruits, veggies and meat products. You should also always try to wash your hands before and after handling food. Other steps you can include should sanitize the area where food will always be placed.

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