Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kettlebells & Their Usefulness for the Avengers

By Rob Sutter

If there is any community of men and women that could proclaim that they are the strongest of the strong, I'd have to say it's the Avengers. This collection of superheroes is indisputably strong as an unit and even when they are separate, it's clear that they can hold their own, no matter what the situation may be. They are all ready for the task at hand and they can fight well to ensure the security of the world. Who's to say that kettlebells couldn't help in this matter?

These weights wouldn't necessarily be utilized in the name of working out, even though it's the goal of fitness authorities such as Lorna. Instead, these kettlebells would operate as additions to the arsenals that these heroes possess. Even those who don't have extensive range in the way of weapons like the Hulk could easily make use of them. There are only a few of the Avengers that actually have the aforementioned arsenals, which mean that these weights would be utilized to the utmost degree.

Anyone who is aware of the Hulk understands that he has a great amount of strength and the weights can be centered on that for him. He's not someone who is shy about throwing a punch to solve his problems, so why not add a little more impact thanks to these unique dumbbells? Not unlike his fellow Avenger by the name of Thor, the Hulk could take hold of the weight and swing it, colliding with his target. It may be one of the few that he could hold without unintentionally destroying it with his grip.

Captain America is another name to give consideration to, especially when you think about how he can throw his shield before allowing it to go back to his hand. It acts like a boomerang, which is how I can see this particular weight working as well. I would even argue that it would have more of an impression since the weight itself seems to have more power to it. Along with raising the throw of Steve Rogers, it would prove to be handy on the field of battle.

What about someone like Iron Man, whose interest seems to be more on developing technology than actual combat? I believe that Tony Stark could develop the suit further, which isn't farfetched when you ponder that the suit has had a large number of iterations during the course of the "Iron Man" film series. In addition to that, Stark is an intelligent person and I don't think that he'd run out of uses for the dumbbells. If anything, he would confirm his intellect by innovating with them.

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