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The Best Concussion Treatment In Toronto, ON

By Freida Michael

Concussions and other forms of mild traumatic brain injuries did not have a proper diagnostic procedure and even treatment for long. This means that most patients who suffer brain injuries had to wait for a natural recovery, which in some cases did not happen. The medical community was in the state of confusion. However, this is not the case anymore. There is no need to worry since the concussion treatment in Toronto, ON, guarantees a full recovery for the athletes and all other patients within the shortest time possible.

The TBI, which is the short form of a mild traumatic brain injury, is common with the sport community and athletes in particular. However, it is not limited to the sport community alone; the playful children can get a concussion at school or even when playing at home. Other minor accidents can also cause the concussion to people of all ages.

There are some standardized procedures, tools and equipment that the clinician now uses to help in proper diagnosis and help facilitate very quick recovery. A good example of such tools available in Toronto is the IMPACT which is basically a computer-based cognitive test. The standardized balanced test used is known as BESS. The two tests mainly focus on the primary brain functions such as the processing speed, reaction speed and the memory for the diagnosis.

As such, it is important that you seek help whenever you suspect a concussion case, whether it is you are someone close to you. The symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and headache are the common ones, but there can be several other symptoms.

Whichever the case, the treatment phase starts with rest. The rest is very important and should start soon after the injury. The injury leads to the deficiency of energy as well as ion imbalance and improper blood flow. Most of these can be restored simply by taking a rest.

There are several other benefits derived from deep rest. First, it helps prevent additional injuries that may be caused by improper brain functioning. It also avails energy necessary to jump-start the recovery process, balancing of ions and restoration of proper blood flow.

The rest, in this case, is not as simple as the normal rest. It requires that the brain is not involved in any activity that requires energy. Whether it is reading a newspaper, storybook or any form of reading is not recommended. The same goes for watching TV, playing video games or any form of physical activity that requires thinking. In some extreme cases, the patient may be taken into a dark room for sometimes to prevent brain stimulation caused by light.

In extreme cases of concussion, the medication may be recommended. However, this is not always the case. In any case, just be sure that the medication is recommended and prescribed by a clinician that is highly experienced with the brain injuries. After the rest, the patient is taken through the second phase that involves returning the cognitive activities. F this succeeds, it is followed by the return of the physical activities. Each stage needs to be preceded by at least 24 hours of rest.

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