Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Available Colon Cleanse Products In Canada

By Freida Michael

There are a lot of provisions in the market now promising detoxification. However not all are effective and professional opinion should be sought before one starts the usage of these items. One of the most commonly used products is laxatives. There are many types available but though their mode of action may be a bit different the results are just the same. They ought to be taken with water though. Below are other available colon cleanse products in Canada.

Enema is another form of large intestine cleaner. Though not the best, it is still used to stop constipation. A doctor uses his two hands to gap the rectum and then inserts the enema. It is an irritating procedure. It becomes an option when constipation is recurrent. It relieves the bowel.

Patients also make use of powder and liquid supplements. They are of a wide variety. Some are taken orally while others are inserted rectally. One can buy them in supermarkets, Health nutrition stores, chemists and in online market. A good research is important for patients to buy the best items since fakes exist. A consultation with bowel cleansing experts is a better step.

Colonic irrigation is another method. It is less attractive because of the large cost incurred. Colonic irrigation is done rectally or orally. No method is more superior to the other in removing waste products. It is not necessary but patients wishing to have it can. The bowel cleaning doctor starts a pumping system that runs water through the bowel. At the same time, he massages the stomach as the pumping activity proceeds. This process is completed after four hours.

Fiber rich foods produces can be used in detoxification process too. This nutrient is not digested in a human body and serves to help in the contraction of the bowel. There is the soluble and the insoluble type. Taking food that has both is even better.

Water is a priceless product in the detoxification process and also available readily. It helps in better functioning of systems in a body. Alcoholic or caffeinated beverages should be avoided at all costs as they make the body even more dehydrated. They should also not be considered when calculating overall intake of liquids too.

Fermented food products are great too as they contain bacteria which help in synthesis of certain nutrient types, degradation of some toxins and prevention of growth of harmful micro-organisms in the digestive system.

These produces can be deemed to be safe or effective most of the time whether the procedure is done under professional care or at home. Even more, there are no laws regulating their production and sale in many countries. It is thus on the patient and doctor to take full responsibility in case anything goes wrong in the process. Colon irrigation in most cases has a lot of side effects and great risk. If this has to be done on you then be sure to get a highly qualified health professional with up to date practice license after thoroughly researching on him. This is to prevent being left worse off after the procedure than you were before.

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