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How To Remove A Mole Naturally

By Leslie Ball

What are moles? They are dark spots that appear on a person's skin. They are always recurred in that they appear as they disappear. Some people love moles because they associate it with beauty. However on the same note, it can also mar somebody's beauty, and it is also important to note that they can be dangerous. There are ways on how to remove a mole naturally from the skin without leaving a scar.

The best treatment to moles is treatment when they have just appeared; when we delay they will leave a scar on our body. It is, however, important to consult a doctor who will tell you the required treatment for your type of mole. It is because in some instances the removal needs surgery. The advice will help you know to continue with the home solutions.

But if the doctor finds that it is not a severe case, you can opt for home made remedies remove the dark spot on your body. It is also important to note that moles can grow on any part of the body, and they are not restricted to any particular place contrary to many speculations. It is because there are about ten to forty moles in a person's body. They take different shapes of oval, round and some of them are always on the skin at the time of birth.

Though, most moles develop in the course of our growth and development. And they appear many during puberty and pregnancy. It is because during these stages those moles appear because a person undergoes so many hormonal changes. Exposing the body skin to the sun can also result in their growth and development. They mostly occur when the cell pigments multiply.

Let us look at some of the natural ways to remove these dark spots. We need to use castor oil. You simply need to rub the oil using cotton on the dark part for four days. The procedure includes tying the soaked cotton on the dark spot. When you have a bigger mole, you can mix the oil with baking soda and repeat the above procedure and wait for the results.

The other remover is honey. It also has a simple procedure where you apply honey on a mole. Repeat the same two times a day until you are satisfied with the results. Apple Cider Vinegar over the years has proven to remove them naturally. You put the vinegar on cotton and apply on the area and leave it there for fifteen minutes or more. The acid the apple cider vinegar has will remove the spot.

Potatoes, grapefruits, and pineapples are also natural removers. The pineapples and grapefruits contain enzymes that easily get rid of the spots. Potato on the other side would be helpful when you cut and rub the freshly cut side on the mole. It will also remove the dark parts.

Finally, the process of removing moles through natural means require lots of patience and determination for one to achieve the required results. However, when you have tried all these steps, and you do not see any changes are forthcoming, seek the advice of a doctor.

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