Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


What To Comprehend About Bariatric Friendly Protein Shakes

By Ines Flores

When any type of surgery is done, one wants to be sure that they are getting the right amount of nutrition in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. This means that a person should incorporate bariatric friendly protein shakes which have everything the body needs. This article will look at the various components of these shakes and how one can make it work in their diet.

Since this is a surgery that makes the stomach smaller, one will naturally eat less food than they usually would. One also has to eat the right foods in the right form that will allow the body to heal. To do this, a liquid diet that is high in protein should be consumed in place of regular meals. Protein helps to provide energy in addition to helping the body to heal.

Some of the foods that can be used are milk, cottage cheese, ricotta, yogurt, and whey protein powder. Since some people might be lactose intolerant there are substitutes that can be used in their place like soy milk, tofu, and other non-dairy milks. These are the main foods for adding body and richness in addition to other necessary nutrients.

It is also a good idea to add some fruit to the smoothie which would help to provide additional flavor. This could be canned fruit, but it is important that there are no sugary syrups which would only add unnecessary calories. Fresh fruit in season is always best and frozen fruit can also be used. If using frozen one does not have to use ice otherwise, but this depends on one's preferences.

For some, the sweetness from fruits are not enough to satisfy their palate. In this case one can use low calorie sweeteners that will provide the sweet taste one craves but without the calories. As with everything else, it is important to know if these types of sweeteners agree with one's body or not. Not all low calorie sweeteners are created in the same manner.

Fiber is also an important ingredient in smoothies especially when one is recovering from surgery. This ingredient helps everything to move through the body in an efficient manner. There are a number of supplements on the market that contain psyllium powder or one can use flaxseeds which is good for constipation. Others might also come in a number of flavors depending on what one needs.

Nut butters are also a good choice if one can tolerate them. Some people have allergic reactions to certain types of nuts while some cannot have any whatsoever. Even though there are a number of benefits to gain when they are added to smoothies, if one is allergic they should avoid them just to be safe.

One can find most of these ingredients in health food stores if they want to be sure that they are getting the best quality. In Kernersville, NC, one can find these retail shops if they live in the area. However, before deciding how to go about these dietary changes, it is important to get the right advice from your health care provider before making any decisions.

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