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Hyperbaric Facility Upgrading Benefits Patients And Saves Money

By Janine Hughes

In some situations it becomes important to breathe oxygen under pressure ranging from one and one-half to three times the amount considered normal. The process was used at first to prevent early deep-water divers from suffering from decompression sickness during rapid ascents, but today has become an important part of the treatment given to hospital patients with certain types of injuries. Hyperbaric facility upgrading improves the process for hospital staff and patients alike.

During compression, people remain inside a uniquely designed chamber. Untreated air contains around 21% oxygen, and while beneficial, breathing pure oxygen has limited results in most cases. The best outcomes are generated by creating a pure form of this gas that is additionally under greater atmospheric pressure. It can statistically increase the volume of oxygen present in the blood.

For many patients, the outcome is faster and more extensive blood vessel formation, more consistent control of infection, reduced toxicity of some poisons, faster healing of resistant open wounds, and reduced tissue deterioration. Increasing the amount of oxygen delivered throughout the body decreases the probability of obstructions caused by gas bubbles, and encourages thorough healing. Treatments may be as few as two, or may take place daily.

Common injuries and illnesses that show improvement under this regimen not only encompass decompression-related problems, but today include controlling infections in diabetic wounds, encouraging more rapid recovery of crushing injuries, fighting threatening cases of gangrene, and combating the effects of radiation used to treat cancer victims. People recovering from serious burns accept grafts more readily, and carbon monoxide poisoning cases detoxify rapidly.

This type of facility is normally located within a hospital, and includes chambers ranging from individual sizes to those that can hold a dozen people. Monoplace facilities accommodate one person, are made of plastic, and are often shaped like tubes. An individual reclines inside while atop a table, and remains for two or more hours. Common side effects include ear-popping caused by air pressure changes.

The amount of pressure and the time it takes for treatment are dependent on a specific diagnosis, and patient history regarding oxygen response. Some individuals benefit most from a daily regimen, while others require far fewer. In general, this procedure is safe and reliable. Patients with upper respiratory infections or other counter-indications may experience treatment delays.

Operational reviews and inspections normally take place regularly. They are often completed by medical consultants. Standard operations are analyzed, and associated staff members are asked about operational or procedural issues that have occurred. Logs detailing maintenance and daily use help define which type of improvements may be needed, or whether outdated equipment should be replaced.

Both staff and patients will appreciate the benefits of upgrading to the latest types of equipment. An updated facility not only provides the latest care, but can also be an important factor for administrators responsible for controlling the financial bottom line. Consultants can detail the relationship between investing in improvements and the resulting cost advantages. Ideally, installation presents few interruptions in scheduled use.

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