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It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease ? Find Answers To Your Concerns

By Christa Jarvis

There are different organisms responsible for causing different diseases. These are generally termed as pathogens and include fungi, viruses and bacteria. Bacterial diseases respond well to treatment as compared to the others and most of such related infections can be cured very well and completely. This addressees the concern of many victims asking the question, is there a cure for Lyme disease?

Recovery from this particular kind of infection is closely related to the level or stage of the disease at the time of treatment initiation; the earlier the better because chances of symptoms recurrence is increased by late or third stage treatment initiation. Better results are guaranteed if such care comes as early as in first stage. Any delays reflect negatively on treatment outcome.

Like any other bacterial infections, this disease responds well to specific drugs. In this case, doxycycline is the drug of choice for clients whose diagnosis is made in first stage. All the same, other victims who seek care beyond first stage may need additional drug as cefotaxime to optimize outcome results. Better still, additional variations as age and pregnancy may be hindrance to this normal regime because doxycyline is contraindicated before the age of eight and in pregnancy.

There are some limitations to this care regime. In pregnancy and early stages of life, doxycycline which is key drug in this regime is completely contraindicated as the risks involved surpass benefits to the victims. It is therefore better to seek appropriate management from experts in such states of health.

When infection is already spread into the body system, symptoms and signs become more pronounced and the ailment is classified as in second or even third stage depending on how pronounced the symptoms are. Adding more drugs into care regime may be of much help ad such includes analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs among many more.

For one to completely be sure of cure there must be an assured control of all related symptoms and signs associated with this ailment. Better still, one must have used relevant drugs used for management of this infection as professionally prescribed. In line with this therefore, it requires that one observe changes that include and is not limited to end of muscle pains, fatigue, joint pains and body edema before being declared as healed. This usually takes up to four weeks of medication.

For a smaller section of the population, the ailment may have devastating effects which end up in stage three and cause damage to brain, nerves and body joints. For such cases, it may be a reflection of failed treatment regime in the rare cases and or delayed presentations in which early symptoms were absent or unnoticed. This occurrence is extremely rare and therefore the ailment is considered amongst the curable infections.

In summary therefore, all individuals suspected to have this ailment should make it their responsibility to seek medical care. The best care is granted when disease is still in its early stages. No deviation from health should be overlooked as it may form a turn of events in which affected persons may never enjoy suitable and desired health. Despite all these, the best thing to know is that this is a curable disease and may be effectively managed despite of its stage of diagnosis.

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