Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Learn The Secrets Of Happy Active Adults

By Camille Nicholson

It's not a secret anymore. Studies have shown that active adults are happier than those who sit around and watch life go by. They are more engaged with friends and family. They also tend to have higher self esteem and as a result, are more positive in their attitudes.

The key is to get moving. And the good news is that it doesn't even have to be on a daily basis. The experts say exercisers should rest about two days a week. On the other five days, it's important to set aside dedicated time to focus on improving your activity levels. There are three main types of exercise that you can mix and match at different times in order to stay motivated.

One of these is aerobic activity. It can be anything that raises the rate at which your heart pumps blood throughout your body. Taking a fast walk would do, but if your knees are okay, you could even jog or do some jumping jacks. Practicing your dance moves is low-impact option that many people enjoy, too.

If you have funds to join a gym, you might try exercise classes with like-minded folks. However, this is not for everyone. Some people feel embarrassed if they can't keep up with the leader. For them, it may be more advisable to work out in the privacy of their own homes to a DVD. There are many excellent products that shy people can utilize.

Push ups and squats are categorized as weight-bearing activities. They represent simple approaches to muscle toning because your own body weight becomes the resistance factor. For external resistance, many exercisers add free weights, which are effective for building arm and chest strength. No matter which approach you choose, it is important to study the correct form so you will not hurt yourself. Personal trainers are highly recommended for those who can afford it, but you can also do Internet searches for good instruction.

When it comes to stretching, yoga appears to be the way to go. Although this is an ancient practice, it has many modern applications and is well known to increase flexibility. It also feels wonderful. Just ask any of the professional athletes who are now doing yoga on the advice of their managers.

By following these recommendations, you will lower your risk of diabetes. Scientific studies prove it. Also, the stress in your life will seem to melt away. You will enjoy improved sleep quality that leaves you feeling more refreshed, and your blood pressure and cholesterol will stay at healthy levels.

What's less well known is that active adults are more likely to have fulfilling sexual relationships that last well into their later years. A lot of this is due to the fact that they are happier with their bodies and the way they function. Because they feel so good and have so much energy, they want to share all of the good things life has to offer with their intimate partners.

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