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Vital Information About Dental Implants Falls Church Va

By Gwen Lowe

The modern society has brought with it both benefits and disadvantages. Some of the benefits include job creation and lower cost of producing goods. This has helped to lower the cost of living in many places in the world. However, this increased production has led to the flooding of the food market with processed foods that are highly dangerous to the teeth. This is because the oral bacteria uses these sugars to produce acid that causes damage to the hard tooth structure. At times the damage if not addressed early enough may lead to a situation where the tooth may have to be extracted. When this happens, the patient is left with a gap. If he decides that he wants to replace that missing tooth, one of the suitable options to consider is by using dental implants falls church va.

Implants used in dentistry are in the form of a small post that is fitted inside of bone. They are used to assist in replacement of many teeth or a single tooth. One advantage of using an implant is that the teeth next to the gap are not affected during the preparation and installation phases. They thus maintain their original natural strength.

Posts can be used to anchor a complete denture to the jaw bone so as to prevent it from coming off unnecessarily. The lower complete dentures are more commonly supported with implants since the lower alveolar bone does not provide good support for the dentures. This is caused by bone loss as one ages.

General patient assessment is crucial before performing any procedure. Through history taking, one can pick out other diseases that the patient is not aware of. Some of these diseases can make the success of implants to reduce by retarding healing. By looking inside the mouth, a dentist can make an assessment of the success rate of the procedure. Feeling the bony tissues by finger pressure is another assessment method. At times, an x ray may be taken to have a better analysis of the bones.

All the charges to be incurred by the customer are clearly explained. If the patient has an insurance cover, he should inform the dentist. The cover can cater for part or all the costs. The duration of treatment is also disclosed to the client.

The dentist must decide on the type of post that he will use. There are different types in the market depending on the shape that they have and also the material used to manufacture them. Each one of these has benefits and disadvantages. The choice made will be determined by both the doctor's decision and patient condition.

The actual treatment is done by first raising a flap. When the bone has been exposed, a dental drill is used to make a hole into which the implant will fit. The hole is enlarged in a stepwise manner until it is the right size. The drill should be supplied with water at a constant rate so that heat generated during drilling doesn't damage bone.

The post is inserted into the newly created hole and covered up with some of the flap tissue. It is allowed to attach firmly to surrounding bone as healing takes place. After healing, a denture or crown can be attached to the post thus replacing a missing tooth or teeth.

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