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Important Details On Glaucoma San Antonio

By Eloise Hewitt

Glaucoma refers not just to one eye disease but a group of eye conditions that bring about damage of the optic nerve. This may result to vision loss. When there is too high pressure within the eye, known as intraocular pressure, this is likely to lead to eye damage. It is among the leading causes of blindness and damages vision slowly in such a way that one may not realize the loss of vision until later in the advanced stages. When considering treatment of glaucoma San Antonio residents should know all details involved.

Primary-angle glaucoma is the most common type of this condition. The signs and symptoms are not easily noticeable. Thus other than the fact that the symptoms increase gradually, one may fail to realize they are suffering from it. When there is timely diagnosis and treatment, any damages associated with it are minimized. Regular examination of eyes is recommended, during which the intraocular pressure needs to be measured.

The two most common forms of this infection, that is angle closure and open-angle, have symptoms that are very varied. The two main symptoms of the latter type are gradual loss of peripheral vision in both eyes and tunnel vision when it is in the advanced stages. The former has such symptoms as blurred vision, eye pain, nausea, vomiting and sudden onset of disturbance of vision. When the cause is unknown, the condition is referred to as primary. When the causes can be traced, it is referred to as secondary.

Patients are advised not to wait until the symptoms are in the advanced stages. The best way to detect this condition early is to go for regular check-ups. Some of the indicators to look out for are strong headaches, nausea, eye pain and halos around the eyes. Any such symptoms should be shared with the doctor.

The increased pressure in the eyes is as a result of build-up of aqueous humor which is the fluid that flows into and out of eyes. Normally, the fluid leaves eyes via a drainage system. This system is at the angle where the iris and cornea meet. Whenever the drainage system fails to effectively work, the fluid cannot filter out of eyes normally. This is the cause of build-up of pressure in the eyes.

Some risk factors will make an individual more susceptible to the condition. Age is one of the crucial factors that determine how easily one may contract it. Persons that are 40 years and above are at more risk of contracting angle-closure glaucoma. African-Americans are more at risk of developing the condition, plus it affects much younger people. Mexican-Americans over 60 years are at higher risk.

Persons that have a family history of glaucoma have a greater risk of development. There is a genetic link to the condition, which means that there is a defect in one or more genes which makes some individuals to be more susceptible to the disease. Medical conditions that may increase risk of infection are high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases.

Treatment is mainly scheduled to reduce eye pressure. The doctors may improve eye drainage, reduce amount of fluid produced in the eyes or lower the eye pressure. It should be noted that the condition cannot be cured, thus the aim is to prevent vision loss due to its effects.

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