Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


How To Build Maximum Muscle In Minimum Time

By Russ Howe

Most guys look at other men and wonder how to build muscle quickly like others seem to be able to do. You could even categorize yourself as a hard gainer, somebody who naturally finds it hard to get results, or perhaps you just find yourself toiling away in the gym to no avail. Today we'll give you three ground breaking tips which will enable you to build some excellent lean mass over the following one to two months.

That's right, I said a couple of months. Not a year.

If you have been training for a while you will have already noticed that the biggest issue holding people back in the gym is the volume of contradicting advice out there. People can't seem to stick to anything for long enough to get results because they have outside influences telling them that they need to purchase the latest product or try to next big thing in workouts...

If you want to get bigger and stronger, you need to know just a few proven rules.

#1 Know your compound exercises and use them.

#2 The rep range you aim for will help to determine what type of results you get.

#3 Don't forget you also need to have a good diet.

Within the three easy to follow rules you see above lie the secrets to a great muscular physique. Furthermore, I have been doing this for over seven years and in the course of that time I've seen countless people get results with these three little steps.

Compound movements are multiple joint exercises which force your body to recruit more muscle fibers and therefore work harder. Exercises such as bench press and squats are perfect examples of great compound movements.

During your next workout session take a quick look at the free weights section and you'll see the common problem we speak about. Guys love doing endless sets of bicep curls but hate doing big movements like pull ups or squats. They're holding themselves back.

After asking what exercises work best, the second most popular question is undoubtedly how much weight should be lifted on each exercise. Obviously, everybody has different capabilities here and what is light for one person might be too heavy for the next. This is why you need to learn how to optimize your rep range to suit your overall goal.

The ideal rep range for size and strength is anywhere between 8 and 12. You can use this as a system to monitor your progress and learn when to increase the resistance, too. Once you can comfortably perform twelve reps you need to increase the resistance, trying to stay within that 8-12 zone the entire time.

Of course, we wouldn't be very much help to you if we didn't cover the third point which is diet. Try not to make the common mistake of assuming just because you want to get bigger you can eat anything you want. You don't just want to add size, you want it to be the right kind of size.

All calories are not creating on an equal playing field. It's important to realize that two people eating the same number of calories could get totally different results, as one could be feasting on junk food whereas the other is quite healthy. A split of 30%, 50% and 20% between protein, carbs and fats respectively will be a good start.

Finally, most of us have a 'problem area' with our body. We have an area we find harder to build than others. Rather than spending ages looking for the best shoulder building exercises you will notice that by going back to basics with your lifts you will make it easier to see progress.

Too many people are endlessly trying to figure out how to build muscle that they miss the obvious answer by over complicating it. Once you know the three simple rules you are ready to go.

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