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How Drug Testing In Beckley WV Can Save A Company Money

By Allyson Burke

Many times, an employer will want to drug test a person before actually hiring them. This makes sense as they do not want to hire somebody who uses drugs and will be a liability to the company. When it comes to drug testing in Beckley WV companies will appreciate the fact that there are many good testing companies that will help them get to know a person better. All companies will want to know if a person that is working for them has negative habits.

When conducting a background check, companies will usually start out with personal references and past employers of an individual. If they get good feedback from that, they will move on to a criminal background check and a drug test. The drug test is a vital part of learning about an individual, and if someone fails it a company will not hire them.

There are times when an existing employee will be ordered to get tested. This could be part of a company's random drug test policy or the person could be suspected of substance abuse. When a person is involved in any kind of accident while on the job, they will always have to get tested as the company will want to know if any narcotics had anything to do with the accident.

A business can really suffer when its employees are under the influence while on the job. Substance abuse costs employers in the United States over $81 billion dollars per year due to loss in productivity. There is no company that wants to be part of this negative statistic.

These drug test companies are professionals at what they do and guarantee quality with their accurate results. Their laboratories are filled with the latest technologies to ensure accurate results for illicit drugs, synthetic drugs, alcohol use and even steroids. If an employee is found to be dirty, their employer will take action to correct the problem. One of their options may include immediate termination.

Alcohol is a problem that many people abuse. It has a big affect on their job performance as they will miss work a lot and frequently be tardy. An employer can have someone tested to see how much alcohol they regularly consume. Those in charge of athletes can have these individuals tested for steroid use. This is a common anabolic substance found in athletes to help their performance.

All illicit and synthetic drugs can easily be detected with a simple screen. Popular choices that people use such as marijuana, PCP, cocaine, opiates, LSD and others will be revealed if a person is using them. These substances can be very dangerous for a person, and an employer will never want someone who uses these working for them.

There are many facilities that conduct drug testing in Beckley WV for companies. If a new company is looking for a reputable testing center, they can easily look in their neighborhood telephone book. They can also do an online search and will be sure to find the results that they seek.

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