Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Is HIIT Superior To Normal Cardio For Long Term Weight Loss?

By Howe Russ

If you are one of the many people who have recently discovered high intensity interval training as an exercise strategy, you may be wondering how it compares to regular cardiovascular exercise as far as fat burning goes. While HIIT has become one of the most effective weight loss tips of the 21st century so far, very few exercise enthusiasts know much about it.

Today you will discover the science behind HIIT and the reason it has become such a practised method in gyms around the world over the last few years.

The old notion of staying on a cardiovascular machine for an hour or more is now yesterday's advice. This is due to the fact that HIIT has been shown to yield far more results in a significantly lower time frame. When fat loss is the goal, HIIT is certainly the way to do it.

The first instance of HIIT was discovered by researchers in 1985, who discovered that a group of exercises lost significantly more body fat when they were pushed at higher levels. These findings started a trend of research which attempted to discover the reason behind the results. Five years later, it was discovered that a group of exercisers lost significantly more body fat again while exercising at a higher intensity, despite the fact that the workouts were almost half the duration and took place three times per week, as opposed to a group doing regular cardiovascular activity five times per week.

That was the starting point for HIIT. Since then, many sprint coaches and swimming trainers adopted the approach to help their athletes increase their explosive speed in their selected events and HIIT gradually made it's way into the world of mainstream gym training.

A Canadian study in 2001 then produced the most thorough research on the subject to date. It detailed that a group of exercises not only lost more body fat while working out for less time and less often, they also increased the body's fat burning enzyme HADH. This finding was initially quite shocking, because HIIT is known to use carbohydrates as the source of fuel in the gym, not fat. This increase in HADH occurred because high intensity activity actually causes the body to switch to using fat for fuel in the period following a workout. Furthermore, this period can last a shocking 14 hours in length. []

That's right, your body burns calories at an accelerated rate for fourteen hours after finishing a HIIT session, most of which will be fat!

The study went on to show that it also increased lean muscle mass and prevented muscle breakdown during exercise. The best result of the study, however, was the fact that the HIIT group burnt off over six times more body fat than their steady state cardiovascular counterparts. This showed that one calorie burnt during a HIIT workout was equal to six during regular cardiovascular activity.

While most new concepts and fads fall to pieces when the real scientific data is made available, HIIT just keeps on building a stronger case. Since these breakthrough reports were conducted there have been many further studies showing the fat loss benefits to a solid and consistent HIIT plan.

It now stands tall as one of the most effective weight loss tips for anybody looking to burn maximum body fat in minimum time. If you are considering including high intensity interval training in your workout routine, you now know why countless others in the fitness world believe it to be the most effective way to get results.

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