Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


You Too Can Stop Being Broke And Change Your Future

By Nickolas J. Anderson

Stop being broke and change your future. How? I already work 60 hours a week, so I didn't see how I could work more to earn more. I had this brainstorm that I should recycle bottles and cans. It will be a win-win situation I told myself. I will get money back instead of throwing it in the trash, and recycling is good for the environment.

The first order of business was to get containers for the cans and bottles that I would collect. Three trash cans and some plastic liners came to $65.58. But I forged on, sure that I would regain the initial expense after a few visits to the recycling center. My first attempt ended in frustration. The Website said the center was open until 4:00 pm, but when I arrived there at 1:15 pm, a paper sign said it closed at 1:00 pm. Totally annoyed, I drove off to get to work in time.

I made a second attempt during my break time. The next recycle center was located in an industrial area surrounded by trucks, trains and one-way streets. Finally I found it, but orange pylons blocked the entrance. Against all odds, I parked the car and ran up to the building only to be told that the center had to close that day because they didn't have any cash. So far my score is less than zero. I've spent time and money, with nothing to show for it but my frazzled nerves and a stinky car.

I was about to explode in frustration. Then I got a call from a friend. He told me about Vemma. They have a product line that can help you lose weight by decreasing your appetite and increasing your energy. Great, I said let's give it a try. After two weeks, I had lost five pounds and was feeling great.

With social network marketing I was easily able to make enough to cover the cost of my product. Four weeks and two pant sizes later, friends started asking me how I did it. When I told them about Vemma, three friends couldn't wait to order their own supply followed by a monthly shipment. We kept tweeting each other about how Vemma was helping us get into shape. It was not long, and the news about the products spread.

I continued to sell to new customers, as did my first three customers. I am making money from my direct sales, and my residual income is increasing faster than I thought possible. When people ask how I stay so trim, I tell them about Vemma. As a result, the new customers keep coming.

My life is so much more enjoyable now. It's great to have money and time to enjoy it. Residual income is the best! It's like having a money tree that just keeps producing.

It's true. You really can stop being broke and change your future. Earn the income you need and then some without knocking yourself out. Since there are no start up costs with Vemma and no membership fees, you can get started on the road to wealth today. By the way, I still recycle, because even rich people should do the right thing.

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