Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


The Four Most Important Things to Know when Body Building

By Peter Swanson

You may feel that it's unjust that others invest half the time that you invest in the fitness center and seem to get double the results. The truth is that working yourself to the bone is not what it takes to get your muscles to increase. To get you muscles ripped you have to pay careful attention to the four vital elements; strategy, rest, nutrition and hormonal balance.

Some individuals don't know that the greater your testosterone levels are the more muscle you are going to build. To increase your testosterone levels naturally you can add a specific quantity of fat into your diet. According to what your body mass index is, 25-35 percent of your calories needs to be based on fat. The very best fat that you can have is that which you find in nuts and that which you get from fish, especially fatty fish like sardines.

Testosterone levels are at a peak when you are eighteen to twenty five years old and so this is an excellent age to start bodybuilding. If you are older than that you can safely utilize an organic supplement of Devil's Weed as it naturally enhances testosterone levels without hurting your body in any way.

The next thing to look into is your nutrition. You should be consuming healthy well balanced meals with a healthy amount of whole grains. Whole grains take longer to digest and offer you more steady energy levels. Approximately half your calories must originate from carbohydrates and the other half must be divided between fat and protein.

It is important to eat a full course meal approximately an hour and a half prior to training and it is also important to drink a protein shake as soon as you complete your training. If you do not have cash to purchase protein supplements you can easily drink a glass of milk and eat a hard boiled egg. If you have a really trustworthy wholesaler where you purchase your eggs, you can go as far as to make little holes into both sides of the egg and drink it raw. Raw egg is a better source of protein than cooked egg, however you have to purchase the eggs from someone you trust they could possibly harbor harmful bacteria.

People want to know how to build muscle fast and there are many programs that can be purchased on-line that really enables you to personalize your training schedule and your diet plan as if you had a personal fitness instructor. Nonetheless, not everybody can manage to purchase this sort of material therefore there is an alternative approach. Get one of the fitness instructors at your health club to help you with some of the standard workouts and prepare a training schedule and a measurements chart. Ensure there are plenty of weight training involved and exercises that involve the large muscle groups. Give the trainer an idea of the parts of the body that you would like to work on the most. Very carefully measure your results every 2 weeks.

Make sure you do all the exercises at varying rates and that you are always working at your optimal ability. Your measurements chart will direct you quite efficiently regarding which exercises are truly efficient for you. Your training routine should be changed frequently as this will keep the training interesting and allow your muscles to develop normally and well.

Last but not least, the most significant error amateurs make is that they over do it. Each muscle group that you work ought to be allowed a full 48 hours rest before undergoing the next training session. It is during this rest period that the muscles actually "build", therefore without rest you will harm the muscles.

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