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The Top Ten Health Benefits Of Massage Professionals

By Liz Ravlich

If you are not feeling right, your problem could be within your muscles. Maybe you are having aches and pains or you feel tense and out of sorts. You may feel that you have lost some flexibility in the joints or back. This may be a good time to enjoy some massage therapy. This practice is time tested and dates back to ancient times, and can be very beneficial. Here are the top ten health benefits of massage.

Improved posture - If you work all day you may have tense muscles and this can affect the way you stand and walk. A trained masseuse works with tired muscles and this can improve your posture and mobility.

Breathing easier - When your muscles are properly massaged, it allows you to breathe deeply. This supplies the body with more oxygen. Oxygen aids in the process of healing.

Better skin - Maybe you suffer with dry skin. The lotions used in massaging will help. You may notice increased elasticity also. This can make the skin appear younger and healthier.

Improved circulation - Massaging is conducive to relaxation and this allows blood vessels to relax and pump more blood. If you sit for long periods of time it can slow circulation. This can result in painful or stiff muscles.

More flexible joints - Massaging is good for joint pain and stiffness. Your therapist can concentrate on specific joints that are giving you problems. This will release tension and stress from surrounding muscles and tendons, providing better movement.

Relief from stress and anxiety - Anxiety and stress are a common problem in the Twenty First Century. Tension easily builds up in the neck, shoulders, and back. When this tension is released, one can let go of many problems that are causing stress.

Mental alertness - When you get rid of tension within the body, the mind will become less stressed. Once relaxed, you can better focus on what you are doing. Without discomfort and pain you increase mental efficiency. This helps you perform better at work and at home.

Emotional relaxation - If you can relax your body, your mind will also become relaxed. A relaxed mind is free to think of creative thoughts and plan for the future. Tasks like problem solving become a little easier also.

Peace within - Most people are seeking some kind of inner peace these days, but few seem to find what they need. The right kind of massage technique can still one's mind. This can lead to a keener sense of self-awareness.

The need to be touched - Everyone has an inner need for the touch of another person. This can make one feel good all over. It fulfills requirements that go far back into early childhood and are often misunderstood and neglected.

The top ten health benefits of massage does not include all of them. You may discover many other good things when you see your professional masseuse. You will enjoy a program of therapy that is personalized to your needs. This can help you feel better and get more enjoyment from life.

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