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How To Train Your Abs Like Sylvester Stallone

Lots of fitness enthusiasts around the world are trying to build a body similar to their favorite celebrity. None more so than Rocky Balboa himself. If your goal is to learn how to build muscle, the Sylvester Stallone abs workout is something you'll undoubtedly be very interested in.

Despite the many celebrity workout plans which are keen to introduce the 'next big thing' or or present a new miracle weight loss formula, the ones which stand the test of time are those which focus on the proven basics. This one does just that and if you can combine it with some of the solid principles to a muscle building diet you will see great results.

Don't let this fool you, however. The workout may stick the the old classic movements but it certainly isn't easy. Naturally, given that you want to train like Rocky you probably weren't looking for something simple.

While some of the movements today will seem very familiar there are also a few old classics that most fitness enthusiasts have forgotten about so we'll provide you with a guide to each one.

* Crunches on the floor or with an exercise ball.

* Twisting Crunches

* Upright knee raise.

* Rotary Oblique Twists.

* The wheel.

The first stop in today's workout is a regular crunch. The trouble with crunches is most people perform them slightly wrong and put unnecessary stress on their neck by pulling from behind the head. For those who feel back discomfort while doing floor crunches, feel free to use an exercise ball instead. Sly himself made this change during the late nineties.

This move is all about tempo and technique. Have you ever met anyone who claims to do 1000 crunches per day? You'll notice that they tend to blast through the reps and don't actually feel any soreness or get any results from their mammoth workouts. Work up to 3 sets of 30 reps on this exercise, focusing on keeping a slow controlled pace and focusing on contracting your upper abs each time you roll forward into the finishing position.

Twisting crunches offer a good variation on the standard method and will target the oblique muscles, which run down the side of the six pack. They have the same principles as a regular crunch, but by aiming your elbow at it's opposing knee you will be able to target the small oblique muscles on each side of your stomach.

Upright knee raises are another move which is often performed incorrectly in the gym. Many fitness enthusiasts unknowingly remove the stress from their stomach and place it on the hips by swinging their legs forward. Instead, perform this move with knees bent at 90 degrees and focus on pulling your knees through a contraction of the lower abdominal area, removing momentum from the equation altogether.

In the gym, Sly has stated on many occasions that if he could only take one core strength exercise with him to desert island it would be the next one. Rotary oblique twists, also known as broomstick twists, are a fantastic move for toning and strengthening your obliques. By performing this move on a decline bench you'll also be able to strengthen your entire core section, including your lower back.

Your final exercise is as old as the gym itself. The ab wheel was one of the first pieces of core stability equipment to be developed and it's so effective at it's job that the design hasn't changed very much over the last 50 years.

The trick is all in the technique. Get this wrong and you won't feel it where you are supposed to, or you will end up falling flat onto your face! Slowly roll the wheel away from your knees until you reach a point where you cannot roll any further forward without compromising your balance. As you become stronger and more familiar with the move you'll be able to generate a bigger range of movement.

Despite being over 20 years old, the Sylvester Stallone abs workout remains a great workout session. If you want to know how to build muscle effectively in your midsection, this plan covers all the bases and leaves areas in doubt on your quest to a six pack.

By Russ Howe

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