Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Crossfit Del Rio Fitness Experts Offer Can Help Lower Heart Disease Risk

By Jerry Jackson

Every year in the US, about 610,000 people succumb to heart disease. This condition that concerns the heart, needless to say, is very common. Fortunately, it's something that is preventable because many of its risk factors are actually avoidable or modifiable. Some of them include high blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol levels and obesity. All of the said risk factors can be dodged or changed via crossfit Del Rio fitness experts offer.

This form of workout is made up of intense routines carried out in short periods of time. Such is the reason why it is admired for its ability to boost both endurance and strength. These days, numerous variations of it are actually in existence. It's for certain that many of them will suit you regardless of your present weight or fitness level.

Scientists say that it is effective for having the blood pressure lowered. You don't want to suffer from hypertension, which is a condition that can damage your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system. According to doctors, it can also wreak havoc on many of your other organs. As an example, you may end up blind or suffering from kidney disease if your blood pressure is constantly higher than normal.

Doing crossfit on a regular basis is scientifically-proven to help reduce blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol can come from the diet. However, it's important to know that the liver also manufactures it. The body requires cholesterol for cellular functioning. It is also necessitated for the production of hormones and absorption fat-soluble vitamins. So in other words, a little cholesterol is actually vital for life.

It is a completely different story, however, if you have plenty of cholesterol. This is something that can leave your arteries clogged as a result of plaque accumulation. The walls of your arteries may also end up stiff. Arterial clogging and stiffening can cause a blood clot to form. You may end up with a stroke of heart attack if there's a blood clot in your bloodstream.

Blood sugar can be kept optimum with the help of the said form of exercise. Everyone knows that having high levels of sugar in the bloodstream is a major risk factor for diabetes. It can exacerbate diabetes that's already around. Failure to deal with diabetes accordingly can sooner or later wreak havoc on the skin, nerves, eyes, kidneys, heart and brain.

Partaking in this exercise type is also ideal for those who are obese. Regarded as a disease, obesity is bad for the cardiovascular system as well as overall health. So many complications are associated with it, ranging from heart disease, arthritis to certain forms of cancer. Needless to say, eliminating unwanted weight is essential.

It's true that the form of exercise is good for keeping the heart out of harm's way. However, you should not engage in it if you're diagnosed with heart disease. Make sure that you first get the consent of your doctor before partaking in any form of workout.

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