Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Looking To Use One Of Those Recumbent Trikes

By Frances Parker

Who needs normal bicycles anyway? The best things to ride out there are the ones where you need almost no effort to just move one foot ahead of anyone else. We are talking about those new tricycles that are not exclusive to be used by just kids, people. We are talking about Recumbent Trikes.

If this is more of a hobby to you then we got to say that you have an interesting hobby. It might not be a rare hobby to have since a lot of people out there like to go biking every now and then. But this kind of bike or trike is certainly on a different level than what we are used to.

Because that is just revolutionary at this point. Anything that can be used in a way that we do not have to move a muscle is simply amazing. We should be having them all to ourselves at the same. But then again, if we all have them, would that not turn us into those fat humans in the movie Wall E?

And then we could even try to race each other on those ridiculous yet awesome trikes and just generally make the most of it. Because by God those things look fun to mess around with. We wonder if you could drive those things around with someone sitting on top of you.

We sure it might be possible since it will be just the legs that will be doing all the hard work for us. Could you imagine all of the dumb adults who got drunk and would play around with this? How much do you want to bet that they will probably end up in a ditch by the time the night ends?

Well, it must be if it was all of us who became slobs, to begin with. At least by then, no one would make fun of the other people who are fat if everyone single one of us is also very much fat. That is essentially going to happen to us if we continue at this rate.

Maybe even record it and post it on a social media platform just to show to the world how much fun total idiots can have in one single night. With the use of alcohol and this weird looking trike. Other dumber people have done worse than this and at least you are not likely to die with this one.

Maybe. Probably. Hopefully, at least. Well, it is not exactly a car that can kill people upon impact, right? It just is a tricycle that you could probably lift by yourself if you really try. And if it was something that light then surely it would not kill you if it hits you scare in the nuts. Right?

Ranting about things you probably will not do anything about. Whining about all the wrong things in the world for the sake of just whining about it. Why do you not just do something about that instead, huh?

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