Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Counting Calories Vs Counting Macros - Which Is Better For Weight Loss?

By Alice Lewinsky

When you are trying to lose weight, you will inevitably come across the debate of counting calories versus counting macronutrients.

It is the new trend in the fitness industry.

But will counting macronutrients give you better weight loss results than counting your calories?

Today we'll run through the facts and get to the bottom of this issue.

If you are new to the fitness world, you may be unfamiliar with macronutrients in general. This is the term used to describe the food groups you consume. There are three groups in total - protein, fat and carbohydrates. Each group does a different thing.

1. What Is Protein Used For?

Protein serves a very important purpose if you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. It's responsible for new muscle growth, making it a top priority macronutrient if you have started going to the gym. But protein will also help you to retain the muscle tissue you already have, as well as curbing your hunger cravings more than either fat and carbohydrates.

This makes protein your macronutrient of choice when it comes to snacks.

2. Why Do We Eat Fat?

It's not the 1980's anymore, so don't buy into the nutrition myth that fat is bad for you. Instead, fat will play an important role in helping you to build more lean muscle and is a great way of reaping more results from your hard work in the gym because it will regulate the release of testosterone - a key player in muscle protein synthesis.

3. What Do Carbohydrates Do?

It's no longer the year 2000, so you need not fear carbs like the plague. Despite the fact that the early years of the millennium were plagued with bogus science that claimed carbohydrates would lead to greater fat storage around the midsection, modern science clearly demonstrates that carbohydrates are a vital food group in a healthy diet. Further still, they provide you with your body's preferred source of energy, so cutting carbs from your diet is a bad move.

So do not fall for the old hype of carbs being bad for you, nor the myth that suggests we should never eat carbohydrates in the evening time. Both of these have been disproven by science.

Now that you have a grasp on the jobs performed by each macronutrient, is simply counting your macros enough to guarantee you will lose weight?

Actually, calories are still king when it comes to weight loss.

Of course, it will definitely help your weight loss progress if you are eating enough protein, carbs and fats per day. But the best way to get great results is to combine this with a lower calorie intake.

If you are eating too many calories per day, you will not lose weight.

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