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Preschool Dance Classes And The Challenge It Involves

By Charles Allen

Children no matter how nice and behaved they are one moment, can easily change moods the next time you take a look at them. That is normal, because at the end of the day, a child is still a child. Stuck in their own world of playfulness. That is why keeping them still, or managing them can be a tough job.

Because of this, people who try to teach them, does not necessarily have to follow the rules always. In fact, it is best to break the rules, one way or the other, every now and then in Preschool dance classes Calgary. This will give way for more flexible teaching strategies for you, that will provide positive results.

Do not expect that you can teach them to dance the exact same way that you do. Manage your expectations of their movements. Keep it low and allow them to be free willing, so that you can watch them do it their way first, and then go from there. Teach them the moves, but do not focus too much on the idea that they have to dance like someone else entirely.

Try not be too idealistic and let them learn the movements, exploring the capability of their bodies first. Preschoolers cannot go with technicalities yet. Save it for later. For now, mix their playfulness with the dance steps and start from there.

Everything can change. Level of energy, their group dynamics, attention span and their tendency to look for food at the middle of an activity. Never ignore the needs of the children and be flexible to it. Give positive feedback whenever possible.

Be good at distracting and redirecting. Children easily get bored and get tired of waiting. You can never hold them down quite long enough, most of the time. With this, they tend to complain and ask to be somewhere else and do something else. Try to be clear and firm then, in a nice tone, redirect them by saying something that will catch their ears.

Get yourself a lesson plan, by all means but always prepare plan B or anything spontaneous. You might just need to change tactics one moment so better have some tricks up your sleeve. Children are a challenge. Everything can change easily, from their attention span to who else needs a snack. That is just the way it is and the best way to deal with it, is well, deal with it.

Just do not try to be their friend. That can prove to be dangerous on your part because in worst cases, it can undermine authority. And authority is important. You do not have to enforce it, but they have to know who is in charge. This will make them take you seriously and listen more.

Do not make promises that you cannot keep. Nothing is worse to a child than an adult who promises something that they will be looking forward to, for the rest of the day. Children never forget. It can be hard to put things across clearly with preschoolers. Be as creative as possible, and do not ignore their playfulness. It is natural. Blend it with dancing, and you will see the magic of your work.

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