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Differences Between Dance And Movement Based Treatment

By Joshua Reed

When an individual thinks of therapy, or a therapist, one generally pictures a psychiatrist or psychologist and a couch. Movement based treatment or dance therapy is a different and unique form. It is a form in which different styles of dance are used to enhance bodily emotional, intellectual and motor skills. Whether dancing at a free form community dance, or acquiring therapy, doing so often has the ability to heal body, mind and soul.

Therapists working in dance therapy often use a four stage approach when providing treatment. These stages include, preparation, illumination, evaluation and incubation. First the therapist evaluates the mover, creates a treatment plan, illuminates the issues then institutes the plan for a specific incubation period.

While non-alcohol, smoke free, dance jams can be fun and at times, enlightening, these are community events. Whereas, dance and movement oriented therapies are often provided at a clinic. At times, this form of treatment might also provided as part of an overall regimen which includes other aspects of physical therapy. Whether one attends sessions at a local hospital or the office of a local physical therapist, it is essential to follow all plans and guidelines to assure success in sessions and overall healing.

Dance oriented therapies began thousands of years ago having a positive effect on many different areas of life. These areas include, birth, sickness, health and death. It was not until 1930 that a new philosophy took hold that resulted in the establishment of this treatment in Europe and the United States. After which, many colleges and universities began offering a specialized focus of dance in the field of psychology.

Before that time, dance had only been viewed as an expressive art form in the United States and Europe. Once movement became an accepted form of healing, several therapists became interested in working in the area. After which, a focus of dance and movement were added to a number of degree programs in the area of psychology.

These dance oriented therapies can be divided into two distinct waves. The first involves the use of dance as related to the medical community. Once a well known therapist noticed the effects movement had on clients, a larger field of movement therapy was formed. Once several clients had reported success in overcoming emotional and physical issues, more therapists started providing these type services.

Students began to report feelings of overall well being which attracted the attention of others in the medical field. A few doctors began sending clients to classes. It was not long after that a therapist would begin a movement based therapy program at a well known hospital in Washington D. C. It was at this hospital that a number of trials took place. These trials often showed some aspect toward positive change in the life of the individuals participating in various forms of dance therapy.

A new ideology related to dance therapy was formed in the 1970s and 1980s. During this time, a number of therapists began exploring and experimenting with this new aspect of treatment. Several therapists started developing new and exciting applications in the process. After which, these application based therapies were matched with the healing needs of clients.

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