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It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Benefits Of Dental Implants Norfolk VA

By Marci Nielsen

Every time we go out in public, our teeth are on display. If they are broken, missing, or terribly crooked, people have a hard time noticing anything else. This is the reason false teeth have been popular for centuries. Dental implants Norfolk VA clinics are the modern advance to cosmetic dentistry. Good teeth are not only for show, of course. They help us eat and talk, too.

Teeth get lost. Permanent teeth are supposed to last a lifetime. However, most people don't keep them for one reason or another. Teeth get knocked out; boxing, football, and being around horses are famously hard on them. They rot away if we eat sweet and refined foods instead of fruits and vegetables (and we all do). Teeth also decay unless they get good care - brushing and flossing and regular check-ups. Medication can cause discoloration and tooth loss.

Going around with a gap in your smile is no fun. This used to be standard for people in frontier days. Later, when dentures became more popular, a gap-toothed grin was perceived as a mark of poverty. The stereotypes included toothless grandmas rocking by the hearth, informers lurking in alleys, and Appalachian mothers with flocks of children.

Even today dentures have drawbacks, although people do adapt to false teeth. Full or partial sets make it easier to chew, and they restore the appearance of health. However, they are not like the real thing. They get in the way of true eating enjoyment, they can slip around even with adhesives, and they often rub the gums and cause discomfort.

Bridges, or partial dentures, are designed to fill in the gaps where teeth are missing. They are attached to remaining teeth, which can be hard on these anchors. Bridges have helped many; a lot of athletes wear them after losing their front teeth. However, a bridge is usually a temporary fix.

Implanting a tooth is a permanent solution. No matter why the original tooth was lost, an oral surgeon can place a titanium post in the socket and build a lifelike tooth on it. The bone of the jaw fuses to the post, making it as secure as the original root. The crown which covers the post is fashioned to match your remaining teeth, giving a completely realistic appearance to your smile.

This, of course, takes all the disadvantages out of wearing false teeth. There is no more covering the roof of the mouth with plastic. There is no more slippage. A carefully matched implant looks like a natural tooth that has received due care forever. Event the color can be matched exactly to your own remaining teeth.

Getting implants in Norfolk VA is easy. There are many professionals waiting to schedule a consultation with you so you can find out if you are a candidate for this kind of oral surgery. It is neither extremely painful or prohibitively expensive. Go ahead and find out if this modern solution can work for you and give you back what you have lost.

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