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It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Olive Oil: What Nutrients Should I Know?

By Katie Onson

Olive oil is, without question, one of the healthier oils out there. If you would like proof of this, look no further than the sheer amount of nutrients associated with such a product. Why do you think so many people like to add this product to different dishes, each of them with their own ingredients to account for? Whatever the case may be, if you'd like to look into the best choice of oil, here are some of the most prominent that cannot be overlooked.

Let's look at one of the most common nutrients of olive oil first: monounsaturated fat. Often this has been referred to as "the good fat," and the main reason for this is that it's fat that the body can make use out of. When consumed in moderation, according to companies like Unaprol, monounsaturated fat stands the chance of reducing cholesterol and heart disease risk in the body. As long as you stay aware of how much is consumed, this product works to your benefit.

Oleocanthal, for those who don't know, is a type of antioxidant that's prevalent in this oil as well. It serves the purpose of protecting the immune system against a number of diseases and various toxins, which is not unlike certain fruit juices. However, it's been said that oleocanthal can also kill cancer cells, though studies are still being done in this regard. In any event, an antioxidant as common as this is more than worth going over.

Vitamin K is yet another prominent nutrient associated with olive oil. What Vitamin K does is help the production of necessary protein in the body, as well as reduce the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. Not only is this type of oil a great source of such a vitamin but you'll be able to obtain it through the consumption of leafy greens as well. What this means is that Vitamin K is prominent amongst those who tend to prefer spinach, kale, and broccoli, just to name a few examples.

Hopefully these examples have shown you someone of the lesser known benefits of olive oil. In fact, this list doesn't even cover the many other antioxidants which most people probably know this oil for. What this list aims to do is show you some of the nutrients you might be missing out of on if this isn't part of your regimen. Given the fact that it can be used to prepare various dishes, as stated earlier, it would be unwise to overlook a product such as this.

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