Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing Click Here!


Innumerable Benefits To Be Found In The Playground Games

By Mattie MacDonald

Playground games entail much more than just fun and frolic. It is one of the first places where young children learn how to socialize and develop good sportsmanship skills through group activities.

Most people can still remember their first childhood games and how they competed with their peers to win the sack race or to throw a ball the furthest. The skills they acquired while merely participating in the playground games at school, unknowingly equipped them with very important values and moral lessons for life. Apart from the physical benefits such as fitness, muscle development and coordination, group activities help build character and promote healthy social skills.

Skipping, jumping and various ballgames are part and parcel of school activities during lunch time breaks. These games are not only crucial for a child's physical fitness and muscle development, but also help them to interact and socialize with different people in a group situation. This is the time and place where the foundation is laid for acceptable social and moral behavior and respect for others. Inappropriate conduct such as selfishness, bullying and tantrums are seldom tolerated in a group situation and thus a culprit quickly learns to either play by the rules, or be shunned.

It is said that kids can be the cruelest of cruel to their peers because they are too young to understand how damaging and lasting the impact of their words/behavior can be. A victim of such cruelty often suffers lifelong emotional problems as a result of traumatic childhood experiences. Any playground games and activities should therefore be closely supervised by knowledgeable and trained teachers or coaches who can skillfully intervene to turn potential playground fights into a positive moral lesson.

It is therefore imperative that preschool kids are never left alone to fend for themselves on a playground. They need to be consistently supervised and occupied with innovative and original games to keep their attention and interest. Many of these group activities are focused on preparing them for formal sport codes. By using a variety of educational equipment such as balls, hoops, ropes and bats, they learn the basic skills of many official sport codes while they are having fun. The physical benefits of these games are innumerable. It helps to keep them fit and healthy, develop good muscle tone and balance, as well as improve their eye-hand coordination.

Group activities and team sport also help to combat social and health problems such as obesity, depression and poor academic performance. Happy, balanced children love to play in groups. Evidence is growing that physical activity and team sport might even increase a child's numeracy and literacy adeptness.

The social, physical and mental benefits of group activities and team sport are innumerable. Apart from keeping a child active, fit and healthy, it promotes values and valuable social skills such as good team spirit, responsibility, problem solving, patience and perseverance. They learn there is no I in the word team and winning is not everything. When a team loses, a child learns how to overcome failure and how to cope with disappointments in life.

The physical, social and mental advantages of healthy playground games should never be underestimated, as it lays the foundation for a happy, balanced and well-adjusted individual.

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